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Haitises + Cayo Levantado ( Bacardi Island )


Discover Los Haitises National Park on a guided boat tour on this full-day trip from Samaná. Explore caves on foot and enjoy a Dominican buffet lunch on the picturesque island of Cayo Levantado.

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Embark on a full-day trip from Samaná to the Los Haitises National park. Take in the park’s natural beauty on a boat tour and look for a variety of colorful species while you explore. Enjoy a typical Dominican lunch buffet on the paradisical Cayo Levantado island.

Hop aboard a comfortable boat at the Samaná port and cruise to through the many islets that comprise the Los Haitises National Park. See the park’s natural attractions, like the mangroves, and some of the park’s bird species like pelicans, herons, and the Ridgway’s hawk.

Take the time to walk through historic caves and spectacularly lush scenery. Marvel at the caves, which have some of the highest numbers of indigenous petroglyphs and pictographs in the country.

Travel to Cayo Levantado, also known as Bacardi Island, and enjoy the picturesque destination’s warm beaches, and a buffet lunch full of mouthwatering flavors before returning to your meeting point.