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카뇨 혼도 호텔 객실 & 1인 무료 조식

Caño Hondo Hotel n(Free Breakfast for 1 Guest) n nEco-Lodge is magic, peaceful and original place where to stay. This natural and authentic hotel is located in the famous Los Haitises National Park in Sabana de la Mar. All our rooms are full of positive energy with amazing view to San Lorenzo Bay and the Samana Bay! Rooms have a private bathrooms with hot water and a ceiling fan. Breakfast is included, free drinking water and coffee are offered throughout the day. You

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카뇨 혼도 호텔 객실 & 4인 무료 조식

Caño Hondo Hotel n(Free Breakfast for 4 Guests) n nEco-Lodge is magic, peaceful and original place where to stay. This natural and authentic hotel is located in the famous Los Haitises National Park in Sabana de la Mar. All our rooms are full of positive energy with amazing view to San Lorenzo Bay and the Samana Bay! Rooms have a private bathrooms with hot water and a ceiling fan. Breakfast is included, free drinking water and coffee are offered throughout the day. You

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카뇨 혼도 호텔 객실 & 3인 무료 조식

Caño Hondo Hotel n(Free Breakfast for 3 Guests) n nEco-Lodge is magic, peaceful and original place where to stay. This natural and authentic hotel is located in the famous Los Haitises National Park in Sabana de la Mar. All our rooms are full of positive energy with amazing view to San Lorenzo Bay and the Samana Bay! Rooms have a private bathrooms with hot water and a ceiling fan. Breakfast is included, free drinking water and coffee are offered throughout the day. You

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카뇨 혼도 호텔 객실 & 5인 무료 조식

Caño Hondo Hotel n(Free Breakfast for 5 Guests) n nEco-Lodge is magic, peaceful and original place where to stay. This natural and authentic hotel is located in the famous Los Haitises National Park in Sabana de la Mar. All our rooms are full of positive energy with amazing view to San Lorenzo Bay and the Samana Bay! Rooms have a private bathrooms with hot water and a ceiling fan. Breakfast is included, free drinking water and coffee are offered throughout the day. You

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푼타 카나에서 출발하는 로스 하이티세스 국립공원과 카요 레반타도

푼타 카나(Punta Cana), 캡 카나(Cap Cana), 바바로(Bávaro)에 위치한 호텔은 Parque Nacional Los Haitises desde Punta Cana más almuerzo en la Bacardi에 있습니다. Ven con nosotros y Visita el parque nacional más hermoso de la República Dominicana, Visitando manglares, 큐바 y la bahía de San Lorenzo, además de cruzar la hermosa bahía de Samaná. Para Visitar la isla de Bacardí, almuerce en la playa y nade en una de las playas más bonitas de la

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로스 하이티세스 보트 개인 여행 – 보카치카 출발

El precio más bajo para visitar el Parque Nacional Los Haitises desde Boca Chica con los lugareños. El Viaje comienza en el Puerto Principal del Parque Nacional Los Haitises. El viaje puede comenzar desde las 6:00 am hasta las 8:00 am. Recojo en áreas de Boca Chica . Un guía turístico local que conoce la historia original del hermoso Parque Nacional estará en su viaje. n nLuego partimos desde el puerto principal del Parque Nacional Los Haitises nombre Caño Hondo (Deep Creek)

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Damajagua의 27개의 폭포(27 Charcos) 집라인, 트레킹 또는 푸에르토 플라타 하이킹

푸에르토 플라타의 다마하구아 27개 폭포에서 출발하는 여행, 점심 식사 및 27개 폭포 여행, 집라인, 하이킹, 강물 뛰어들기 등이 포함됩니다. n 푸에르토 플라타의 27개 폭포로의 생태학적 여행. Damajagua의 27 폭포에서 반나절 여행 티켓을 구입하세요. 점심 식사 및 소풍이 포함된 입장권에는 도미니카 공화국에서 가장 아름다운 폭포에서 점프, 집라인, 수영이 포함됩니다. 안전 장비를 갖춘 하이킹과 수영으로 최고의 경험을 즐겨 보세요!! n n n n선택하세요

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로스하이티세스 현지인과 함께하는 일출 또는 일몰 개인 카약 여행

Si está planeando visitar Los Haitises de una manera romántica además de estar solo en la naturaleza y quedarse con la hora del amanecer o el atardecer. Este es el mejor viaje privado para ti. n nSalida del sol desde las 5:30 am hasta las 8:30 am Viaje. n nAtardecer de 4:00 Pm a 7:00 Pm Viaje. n nSeleccione la fecha para el Tour:     nOverview nKayaking Mangroves in Los Haitises National Park with a local tour guide 3 Hours. The best time when there are not visitors

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