모험 예약

하이킹 4시간 Sabana de la mar

분리 기호
가격 USD$50 USD$40
아래로 스크롤

하이킹 4시간 Sabana de la mar

USD$50 USD$40 사람마다
Humid Forest & Learn about Nature

Hiking 4 Hours in Los Haitises National Park

🚶 Hiking Trail 4 Hours in Los Haitises National Park 🚶

This Trail tours can start From Sabana de La Mar or If you are staying in Cano Hondo area we set the tour to pick you up.

In Case of Sabana de la Mar, We met with our Ecological Guide in the community of Sabana de la Mar and drive to Los Haitises National Park.

Arriving in Caño Hondo, we park the Car and  began our hike along the Humid Forest Trail of Los Haitises National Park. In the tour you can learn about the medicinal plants of the area, see the broadleaf forest primary and secondary Los Haitises National Park mountains  and at the same time reach the spring of the Jivales River from which the waters of the natural pools of eco-lodge Caño Hondo.

After reaching Caño Salado in the heart of the Humid Forest of Los Haitises National Park, we return back walking  2 Hours to our meeting point.

After the hike (Optional) you can go and eat a la carte at the Caño Hondo facilities.

💰 PRICES Change for Groups.


“Deposit by Paypal or Bank account and the rest of the payment in Our Office” We us you dont loss deposits.

🌎 DATE For Hiking 🚶

From January 4th to March 30th, 2019.

  •  Sabana de la mar meeting point every Day.
  •  Cano Hondo Meeting Point Every Day.


From January 4th Usually Every Day. 9:00 AM.

We are Flexible Setting HikingTours by Whatsapp: +1809-720-6035.



After 30 minutes departing from Sabana de la Mar . Our staff can pick you up in Cano Hondo area.

We are Flexible Setting Hiking Tours by Whatsapp: +1809-720-6035.


2 to 4 hours depending on whale sightings.

Food Can be set also in Sabana de la Mar.

미사엘 칼카노 실벤

National Tour Guide and Guest services

전세: 고래 투어 사마나

📞 전화/Whatsapp 1-809-720-6035.

📩 Misael.calcano.silven@gmail.com

Whatsapp: +1809-720-6035를 통해 유연하게 고래 투어를 설정할 수 있습니다.

예약 모험

Le ofrece la mejor aventura ecológica partiendo desde el Puerto de Samaná o Sabana de la Mar en cómodas y seguras embarcaciones, acompañados por un guía experto en ecología, con almuerzo y bebidas incluidas dependency el Paquete a elegir.

La mayoría de nuestras 여행은 그룹의 개인 정보 보호에 맞춰 진행되며, 개인 예약을 위해 혼자만의 시간을 갖습니다.

Los Haitises 방문 시 권장 사항: Zapatos cerrados, Repelente para Mosquitos, Pantalones a su gusto y Toallas en caso que la actividad requiera Bañarse en algún lugar.

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