booking avanture

Playa Rincón (Plaža Rincon), Playa Fronton + Playa Madame Beach, Samaná - Dominikanska republika.

Potovanje se začne ob prevzemu v vašem hotelu ali Airbnbju na območju Samane. Odkrijte z nami 3 skrivne in divje plaže regije El Rincon beach, Playa madame in Playa Fronton. Eden najlepših izletov na polotoku Samaná. Vstopite v edinstveno vzdušje Playa Frontón, plaže, do katere lahko pridete le z ladjo, obdano s koralnim grebenom, okoli katerega lahko potapljate, plavate z ribami in odkrivate njegove korale ter se sprostite in uživate


ATV Samaná Adventures – ATV izleti in izleti v Samaná Dominikanska republika. ATV + plaža in slapovi El Valle

nTa izkušnja v Atv se začne v središču mesta Samana. Vožnja s štirikolesnikom do slapov LULU, mimo Tree House Ecolodge do plaže El Valle. Plaža nEl Valle! Kjer se bomo ustavili približno 1 uro in 15 minut, da bi uživali v čarobnem belem pesku in kristalno čisti turkizni vodi plaže Playa El Valle. Tam lahko počivate, pijete, plavate, raziskujete ali pa le poležavate na soncu, če želite. Samopostrežni bife bo pripravljen s tipičnim


Ogled mesta Santo Domingo iz Punta Cane. Celodnevni izlet.

Para experimentar verdaderamente la rica historia y cultura de la República Dominicana, únase a nosotros en un recorrido de todo el día por Santo Domingo, la ciudad más antigua de América. Viajando en un autobús moderno, limpio y cómodo, será entretenido por un guía profesional que hará que este viaje sea a la vez animado e informativo. n nVerá muchos sitios interesantes en el camino, incluido el río Chavón, que ha aparecido en películas, como Apocalypse Now y Rambo. Visitando el Parque


Rajski otok in mangrove, dnevna vstopnica za potapljanje z masko (Cayo Arena). Poldnevni izlet.

Day trip to Cayo Arena also called Paradise Island. With this experience, you will be able to experience firsthand what few can do when coming to the Dominican Republic to enter the natural beauties that the north of the country offers for a Day Pass trip. Once in Puerto Rusia, board a speedboat and zoom out of the mangrove forest to Paradise Island, an idyllic dot of sand and jungle in an azure sea. Go ashore to sunbathe, explore, and


El Fronton (pohodništvo in plavanje)

Potovanje se začne na našem zbirnem mestu v Las Galeras, Samana. Najbolj spektakularno pohodništvo v Samani. Obisk Hudičevih ust v španski Boca Del Diablo, Hrup, ki ustvarja glife s precijo vode pod skalami. Po obisku marmolitnih jam in Boca del Diablo nadaljujemo s pohodništvom skozi kokosov gozd in čudovite poglede na ocean do ene najbolj osupljivih plaž v Dominikanski republiki. Plaža Fronton.


Ogled Los Haitises iz Santo Dominga, Samaná ali Sabana de la Mar. Celodnevni izlet.

This excursion from Santo Domingo to Los Haitises National Park includes Lunch and Transportation for a visit to the main caves, an exploration of 2 different mangroves ecosystems and of course fishing bird watching. n nTrip to Los Haitises National Park with a naturalist Tour guide. Visiting the Cays in Los Haitises National Park, Mangroves, Vegetation, Birding, Caves, Pictographs and the historical areas of Sabana de la Mar in Los Haitises National Park. n n  n nPlease Select the date for Tour:     


Ogled slapa El Limón in otoka Bacardi (Cayo Levantado) iz hotelov Punta Cana

If you are in Punta Cana or Bavaro, Looking for a day trip paying less than normal. Book this trip with a pick up at your hotel in Punta Cana. The bus will take you to Sabana de la mar where we take a catamaran to pass Samana bay. Visiting Samana community on Safari to arrive in El Limón Comunity, Horse riding or Hiking to the Waterfalls after crossing Samana Bay and Luch time at Bacardi Island. This trip starts


Zasebni ogled Samaná Whale Watching + Cayo Levantado (otok Bacardi) iz pristanišča Samaná

Private whale watching trip in Samana bay, the Dominican Republic with Locals tours Guides. Feel free to set your time to arrived or to finish the Excursion. Lunch and timing are set by your self. Book Now this excursion in Samana bay for a Good whale watching trip experience. n nNote: This tour is a Private Tour with a Minimum Payment. To join a group for whale watching with the same price in Catamaran please  CLICK HERE. n n  n nPlease Select the date for The


Slap El Limón in zasebni ogled Cayo Levantado

Private excursion to visit El Limón and Cayo Levantado Waterfalls (Bacardi Island). Two activities in one day, visiting the beauty of the forest and the waterfalls of the community of El Limón with a local tour guide. You can take this trip on foot or on horseback along the coffee and coconut trails. After visiting the El Limón Waterfalls, we will go to the pier in the center of the city of Samaná and take a boat to Cayo Levantado,