booking avanture

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PREBERI VEČ Tainova pustolovščina Avantura čaka Poceni skupinski izleti in zasebni izleti Lahko se sprostite in uživate vso logistiko opravimo mi Sezona 2024 PREBERI VEČ Opazovanje kitov

Samana: 4 Hrs ATV Tour Transportation Included


This concise 4-hour ATV Tour provides an exciting and adventurous experience exploring diverse terrains and scenic routes, ensuring a thrilling and memorable ride for guests without including lunch.

Kategorija: Oznaki: ,


4-Hour ATV Tour (No Lunch)


1.Hotel Pickup: The hotel pick-up will begin at 8:00Am and transported to the ATV tour starting point.

2.ATV Adventure: Begin the exhilarating 4-hour ATV adventure through scenic routes and off-road trails.

3.Exploration and Sightseeing: Enjoy exploring various landscapes, nature trails, and possibly visit points of interest along the route.

4.Adventure Highlights: Experience the thrill of riding the ATV through diverse terrain and enjoy the natural beauty of the surroundings.

5.Return to Starting Point: After the designated duration, return to the starting point of the ATV tour.

6.Hotel Drop-off: Guests are safely dropped off at their respective hotels, concluding the 4-hour ATV Tour.